Salah satu fitur yang sangat saya sukai dari bluestack terbaru Bluestacks 3.0.1 With ICS 4.0.4 ini adalah kita dapat menginstal BBM di android emulator ini. Jadi kita dapat BBM-an dengan pengguna BBM lainnya. Tenang saja BBM di emulator android ini dapat melakukan semua kegiatan BBM layaknya BBM di Hp Android, dan teman kita tersebut juga tidak akan tahu jika kita sedang melakukan BBM lewat android emulator ini. Kita dapat menginstal BBM di android emulator Bluestacks 3.0.1 With ICS 4.0.4 ini karena Bluestack ini sudah terinstal OS ICS 4.0.4.
Features Bluestacks 3.0.1 With ICS 4.0.4
Change Log
BillionUploads @290 Mb
- -FULL Root
- -FULL Google Apps support
- -750MB System ROM
- -8GB Data ROM
- -32GB SD Card
- -Emulation: Samsung Galaxy S4 I-9505
- -Launch many different tablets
- -Wheel scrolling support
- -App Priority
- -Rotation Support Fixes
- -Custom Icons
- -Custom ADW theme
- -Customized VM Player and Android Settings
- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, theScore, ADW Launcher, Youtube, DroidEdit, Titanium Backup, ThePirateBay, aTorrent, Google Drive/Books/Voice/Plus/Play Store, Volume+, Fake GPS, Calendar/Contacts/Camera/Gallery/News, ES Task Manager, DPI editor, AdAway, Lucky Patcher, Terminal, Zarchiver, eWeatherHD, ES file Explorer, Root Explorer, Root Check Pro, Virtual Button Bar
- -Recommended Windows 7 x64
- -Works well on Windows 7 x86 and Windows Xp Sp3
- -It does work on Vista x64/x86 but why? Install 7!
- -I do NOT recommend Windows 8 (for anything) but especially NOT for BlueStacks
Change Log
- -Better Scrolling Support
- -Re-wrote all scripts
Download Bluestacks 3.0.1 With ICS 4.0.4 BBM Android Ready
BillionUploads @290 Mb
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